Thursday, January 28, 2010

Smoking Sound Effects Torrent Is Smoking Pot Really That Bad For You?

Is smoking pot really that bad for you? - smoking sound effects torrent

What are the harmful side effects of marijuana use, frankly, seem to all my friends who smoke, to be good, and still legal in other parts of the world economically sensible.


Kevin said...

People say weed is bad for many stupid reasons AA, most of which are myths.

"Weed kills brain cells" - No, not here, does not make marijuana kill brain cells when people smoke Stuip and do not know what to do to keep the smoke in your mouth and hold the breath. The lack of oxygen kills brain cells, so really, if you smoke then the brain cells are killed.

"Lung youe Hurt - bullllllshitttt has a study showed that smokers have been reading daily marijuana no additional risk for lung cancer after smoking is not average.

"Theory of gateway drug" - people say that addicts start with weed forever. yes no shittt of heroin? Sure, the weed is in first place, but that does not mean that smoking marijuana PPL want to try other things. Ive been smoking every day, and I want to snort a line? No, because I do not do drugs, just weed. Weed is a non-chemically modified plants, so why not let me do something else? even if the weed was legal, it would be less drugs "door" billAUSE no one should go to the dealers who have access to medicines that are actually bad for you.

Oh, Brooke, her mental retardation. This is not a medicine, equipment and medications that your doctor ext than valium, oxycotin. are much more addictive then marijuana. you can not kill weeds, you can die from doctor perscribed.

and if the weeds are so bad, why are there medical marijuana on the simplest things in California, how to treat depression and back pain

Binka - its bad, marijuana is given to people with life-threatening, disabling or you do not know clearly the facts. And do not stumble, if they are large, seem to have never smoked, then what we know about the effects anyway? The boy jumped to is that for reasons other than weeds, maintain that more weeds is out, ridiculous .

Binka said...

1. It is more toxic than regular cigarette smoke.
2. Increased risk of lung cancer and smoker's cough disadvantages.
3. Some side effects can be very bad. One of the worst panic attacks is cut. (A child in my school jumped from his car and committed suicide after smoking marijuana. We do not know what he really was scared, but this was the result of the pan. Another 's suicide is, his friends and relatives again than the VA. His parents were still in the car with him. The father, who survived, said he seemed very relaxed, and then simply lost control of the car that would not happen if it is not high)

Pot himself, but you can not kill you stupid, what they can. Everyone has bad trips, but in force in its argument and reasoning. So is alcohol, but most people can tell when you're drunk and not a bad trip with her as well.

Kevin medical marijuana is not something that can be freely distributed. It is strictly for patients with terminal cancer.

Uh, no, theirin the medical field, so naturally, that law would not have. No, I freely admit. If doctors should not be faced with many demands. I'm not smoking for the negative effects of computer and Yest to travel it. Some have to do but most are. More than half of those who have studied the use of marijuana side effects and experiences. Say it is perfectly safe is very naive.

Josh said...

Demotivation, deterioration of temporary and permanent storage, increased lifetime risk for schizophrenia and other severe mental illnesses, drug gateway. And friend, that you did as dummmmmb seriously, man. Whether it makes the pot * * Bath - it is certainly not worse than alcohol, but alcohol is addictive, causes damage to the brain, the liver, which you beat your wife, etc. So it is to destroy "is not very good .

sternum1... said...

Caffiene proved to be the worst for you. Weed is not a narcotic and has no long-term effects on the lungs. Only a short time. And it is really a pain reducer, making the people (anorexia eating, have HIV, etc.) have an appetite. Manufactured same people remain calm and to not vomit, the chemotherapy. And not all a message? I was raised Mormon, and the coffee was my goal when I was about 12, believe it or not. If someone who has never eaten chicken in the long run, you want a steak? Maybe. Since the choice of the people and the problem of

Casey x Corpse said...

There really are no harmful side effects, more awake at the time of its formation.
Never be shown to be harmful, never killed anyone.
Then enjoyy.

Karin W said...

You can not overdose, but it can also be psychologically dependent.

If you stop no joy, but the dime in the stock portfolio in the period up smoking.

But only after --

Patricia S, M.A. math said...

It damages the brain.
Among men, greatly increases the risk of prostate cancer.
It is worse than tobacco and snuff cause cancer.

Doug L said...

Legality has nothing to do with your question. Each smoke irritates the lungs, regardless of their origin.

divers do it deeper said...

there is nothing wrong. just something with people who think it is harmful.

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