Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ed Head Knee Surgery Emancipation . I Need Help.?

Emancipation . I need help.? - ed head knee surgery

OK, so I'm over the 15, 16 March in turn, son.
Mom and dad drink a lot.
They always fight back
And I always cry.
Dad had stones, balls, toothbrushes thrown in me and beat me. He threw me, and I knee'ed
He told me that I like: bitch, bitch
I've been called: a lazy one stupid *****, *****
constantly tells me I am stupid and dont think.

I have plans and goals
I have a big head on my shoulders and verry wise with money
I am determined and I can make money on the side
I'm going to an online academy for high school and I allpyed many jobs.
I pay my own cell phone. and my friend have generally everything I (BRA clothing, shoes, bathing needs to be preserved)

I want to leave my house, tore my father.
But he would not allow my mother and used either.

I want to be the franchise
Can someone help me and tell me what steps I should take and what to do.
I feel as if I will put on paper the things GINGO is very bad, and physics.


rafferty said...

You try so hard to convince us that you are responsible and are old enough to emancipate themselves, but then show all say they are 15 and engaged.

Not ready to grow up.

Mac said...

Call Legal Aid. You need a lawyer to help you apply to the court. You need to show that the judge will be continued, proof of health insurance and housing. It is not easy.

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