Monday, January 25, 2010

Do You Get A Headache With An Ear Infection How Do You Get Rid Of Pinkeye And Sinus Headache And Ear Infection?

How do you get rid of pinkeye and sinus headache and ear infection? - do you get a headache with an ear infection

I am fortunate enough to have a cold proved itself as an ear infection. I was almost finished when I had a sinus-infection. and then this morning I woke up with pinkeye. What should I do? Why, if all these infections?


essentia... said...

Your immune system is depressed, consider by some liquid vitamins, their routine. In addition, you need to see an ENT ... Sinus problems can be very difficult to treat.

capnnikk... said...

Please consult a doctor or a nurse. Unfortunately, the eyes, ears and nose are connected cavities. Sinus infections are sometimes difficult to remove and require antibiotics. You may need eye drops for conjunctivitis.

Be sure to wash your hands for at least 15 seconds and, often, so that no red-eye from spreading to others.

evolutio... said...

Looks exactly like what some previous question - said your immune system is depressed. The spread of infection because your ears / nose / throat are all connected.

I make an appointment with the doctor. If the viral infection, not much to do but go and take us as pleasant as possible (decongestants, and possibly a medical balm) to remember that antibiotics do not work for viruses.

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