Friday, February 19, 2010

Half Board Means What Does It Mean By Full Board And Half Board?

What does it mean by full board and half board? - half board means

What do you mean by full board and half board when we book a hotel room?


Poker said...

Full board - All meals and accommodation is given all

Half board - breakfast and dinner, overnight

KL29 said...

Full board: All meals included, half board usually means breakfast and lunch is provided.

Brianna said...

This is a good question, and I just found out what it means, thank you

Marlin d said...

The full board means that you will receive three meals
Half-board means you get two meals, usually breakfast and dinner

redunico... said...

Full board accommodation, all meals provided
Half a partial meals, usually one per day.

Goddess of Grammar said...

I agree with Marlin in this case.

Tracey d said...

Yes, everyone is in this case are correct, so far ...

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